Did you know that poor sleep quality can affect everything from your mood to your overall health? Whether guided by ancient Ayurveda or modern medicine, experts agree: it’s not just about how much sleep you get, but how well you sleep. While eight hours of rest is ideal, frequent interruptions can prevent your body from truly recharging. So why do we sometimes wake up in the middle of the night for no clear reason? It might be due to seemingly harmless objects near your pillow. This blog explores five items you should avoid keeping near your pillow to ensure a better night’s sleep.

The Reasons for Waking Up

Various factors, like noise or physical discomfort, can disrupt our sleep. Studies show that even small disturbances can significantly affect sleep quality, leading to grogginess and fatigue the next day. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night for no clear reason? It might be due to seemingly harmless objects near your pillow. Surprisingly, these items can influence the energy around you, affecting your sleep without you even realizing it. Let’s explore how these common items could be impacting your rest and what you can do to improve your sleep environment.

5 Things That You Should Not Keep Near Your Pillow While You Sleep at Night

To improve your sleep quality, it’s important to be mindful of what you keep near your pillow. Here are the five most important items to avoid:

1. Water
  • Significance: Keeping a glass of water nearby seems convenient but can actually disrupt your sleep.
  • Details: Water can increase moisture levels, potentially attracting pests and causing disturbances if spilled.
2. Wallet or Money
  • Significance: These items can subconsciously increase stress about finances.
  • Details: Having your wallet or money near your pillow might make you anxious about debts and expenses, hindering a peaceful night’s sleep.
3. Jewellery or Footwear
  • Significance: These can cause discomfort and hygiene issues.
  • Details: Jewellery can cause physical discomfort, and footwear can bring in dirt and germs, disrupting your sleep environment.
4. Books
  • Significance: Books can keep your mind active, making it harder to fall asleep.
  • Details: While reading before bed is a great habit, leaving books near your pillow can prevent your mind from winding down.
5. Gadgets
  • Significance: Electronic devices emit blue light, which can disrupt your sleep cycle.
  • Details: Gadgets like phones and tablets can interfere with melatonin production, making it harder for you to fall and stay asleep. Keep these devices out of the bedroom for better sleep quality.

Sleep Hygiene Tips According to Vastu

Here are some additional sleep hygiene tips given by the best vastu consultant in Gurgaon. Vastu is an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy believed to enhance the flow of positive energy in living spaces:

Optimal Bed Placement:

According to Vastu principles, place your bed in the southwest corner of your bedroom. This is considered the most favourable position as it is believed to promote stability and sound sleep.

Use Soothing Colours:

When selecting colours for your bedroom design, use calming colours. To foster a peaceful atmosphere, Vastu suggests using gentle, muted colours like light blues, greens, or pastels.

Declutter Your Bedroom:

Keep your bedroom organised and clutter-free. Clutter is believed to make a space feel chaotic and obstruct the passage of good energy.

Position Your Head Towards the South:

When you’re trying to sleep, try to put your head in the south or east direction. According to Vastu, this encourages better sleep by lining up the body’s magnetic field with the Earth’s.

Balance the Elements:

Include all five (earth, water, fire, air, and space) components in your bedroom design. This can be done by incorporating plants or a small water feature, as well as natural items like wooden furniture.

Avoid Mirrors in the Bedroom:

According to Vastu, mirrors in the bedroom can disrupt sleep by reflecting energy and light. If you have mirrors, try to cover them at night or place them where they won’t remember the bed.

Beware of Sharp Objects:

Sharp or pointed things are believed to generate bad energy and could cause problems with your sleep, so remove or cover them if they are present in your bedroom.

Keep Electronics to a Minimum:

Avoid having too many electronics in the bedroom, particularly close to the bed: Vastu warns against having too many electronics in the bedroom. If you must have them, keep them out of the way and shut them off at night.

Regular Cleansing and Smudging:

Periodically cleanse your bedroom by smudging with sage or using natural cleaners like salt or camphor to remove negative energy.

Incorporate Aromatherapy:

To create a peaceful atmosphere and encourage better sleep, use calming scents in the bedroom, such as lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood.

Balance Energy Flow:

According to Vastu, the room should have a balanced energy flow. To do this, place the furniture in a way that makes it simple to move around and reach all spaces.

Consult a Vastu Expert:

For tailored guidance based on your specific living space, consider consulting a Vastu specialist. By implementing these Vastu-inspired sleep hygiene tips, you can create a peaceful and harmonious resting environment that encourages better sleep and overall well-being.


In conclusion, the quality of our sleep is intricately connected to the environment we create in our bedrooms. As we’ve explored in this blog, there are five crucial things to avoid keeping near your pillow while you sleep. Doing it right is important every night so we can begin the next day fresh. So, if you are looking for more advice and astrological advice from the famous vastu consultant in India, Pt Pawan Kaushik is here to help. Book your appointment online or on-call today.