Famous Bollywood personalities graced the recent birthday celebrations of renowned astrologer Pt. Pawan Kaushik at Mumbai’s 5-star hotel, JW Marriott. The celebrities including Kishan Kumar from
Marriage not only binds two individuals by vows of love, trust and respect but it connects two families through a strong bond of mutual understanding and reverence for an entire lifetime. Thus, it is
Marriage, or wedding, is an auspicious ceremony, which bonds two individuals together with a promise to last until death. In Hinduism, the wedding (also known as Vivah) is considered as one of the
Panchang, also known as Hindu Vedic Calendar, is a yearly compilation of all Hindu festivals, auspicious timings, tithis, vrat etc. Most of these festivals & auspicious dates are calculated
हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार किसी भी शुभ कार्य से पहले सर्वप्रथम भगवान गणेश की
Kaal Sarp Dosh! You all must have heard of this dangerous dosha in Astrology. It is believed that 75% of the people suffer from Kaal Sarp Dosha in their Kundlis. Do you know that the first Prime
Human life is full of challenges, ups and downs and hardships. The biggest challenge however for every human is to prove their worth in this materialistic world. This motive can only be fulfilled if
There exists a very famous proverb – ‘A car can only run on four wheels and the malfunctioning of even a single wheel can result in the immobility of the car’. Similarly, our human
A house holds a very important place in the life of any person. One toils very hard and works day and night for securing themselves with a shelter on one’s head. The house fills a person with a