Online Panchang for Today

Pawan Kaushik

Panchang for Today

The right and auspicious time for doing things holds really high importance in Indian culture, which is why we often refer to the Panchang. It represents our daily calendar dates in Vedic Astrology terms. Check out today’s Panchang right here to know which time suits you better.


पंचांग 22-02-2025
तिथि कृष्ण नवमी 24 विशेष: रिक्ता तिथि सारांश: महत्वपूर्ण व्यवसायों के लिए अशुभ तथापि तर्क - वितर्क, प्रतियोगिता और शारीरिक व्यायाम के लिए अच्छा है। देव: नाग
दिन शनिवार - - -
नक्षत्र ज्येष्ठा 18 विशेष: मूल नक्षत्र सारांश: यह युद्ध में सफलता के लिए, भौतिक व आध्यात्मिक वंदन, झगड़ा व तर्क - वितर्क के लिए उपयुक्त है, किन्तु शुभ कार्यों को करने के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है। देव: इन्द्र
योग वज्र 15 विशेष: यह अशुभ योग है, शुभ कार्यों को करने के लिए अच्छा नहीं है। अर्थ: (हीरा, वज्र) - धनवान, भ्रष्ट आचरण, अप्रत्याशित, सशक्त। -
करण गर 6 विशेष: यह पशुपालन कार्य, मवेशी व्यापार, डेयरी व्यापार, चारा व्यापार, खेत की जुताई, वास्तु कर्म या मकानों, भवनों तथा अन्य समान परियोजनाओं के कार्य के लिए अनुकूल है। - देव: वासुदेव
- सूर्योदय 6:53:43 सूर्यास्त 18:17:17
- चंद्रोदय 2:18:35 चंद्रास्त 12:24:50
- वैदिक सूर्योदय 6:57:39 वैदिक सूर्यास्त 18:13:20
शुभ समय
अभिजीत मुहूर्त 12:13-12:57
अशुभ समय
राहुकाल 09:44:37-11:10:03 गुलिका कलाम 06:53:43-08:19:10
यमघंट कलाम 14:00:57-15:26:23 - -
अन्य योग
दिशाशूल - नक्षत्र शूल पूर्व चन्द्र निवास उत्तर
हिंदू माह और वर्ष
विक्रम संवत 2081 शक संवत 1946
पक्ष कृष्ण पक्ष अयाना उत्तरायण
पूर्णिमांत फाल्गुन अमंता माघ
सूर्य राशि कुम्भ चंद्र. राशि वृश्चिक
होरा मुहूर्त दिन
समय होरा
6:53 : 7:53 शनि
7:53 : 8:53 गुरु
8:53 : 9:53 मंगल
9:53 : 10:53 सूर्य
10:53 : 11:53 शुक्र
11:53 : 12:53 बुध
12:53 : 13:53 चन्द्र
13:53 : 14:53 शनि
14:53 : 15:53 गुरु
15:53 : 16:53 मंगल
16:53 : 17:53 सूर्य
17:53 : 18:53 शुक्र
होरा मुहुर्त रात्रि
समय होरा
18:53 : 19:53 बुध
19:53 : 20:53 चन्द्र
20:53 : 21:53 शनि
21:53 : 22:53 गुरु
22:53 : 23:53 मंगल
23:53 : 0:53 सूर्य
0:53 : 1:53 शुक्र
1:53 : 2:53 बुध
2:53 : 3:53 चन्द्र
3:53 : 4:53 शनि
4:53 : 5:53 गुरु
5:53 : 6:53 मंगल
Panchang for 22-02-2025
Tithi Krishna Navami 24 Special: Rikta Tithi Summary: Inauspicious for important businesses however good for arguments, competition and physical exercising. Deity: Serpent
Day Saturday - - -
Nakshatra Jyeshtha 18 Special: Moola Nakshatra Summary: It is suitable for success in warfare, invocation of elementals and other spirits,fighting and arguments etc.Not suitable for auspicious undertakings. Deity: Indra
Yog Vajra 15 Special: It is Inauspicious yoga,Not good for auspicious undertakings. Meaning: (Diamond, Thunderbolt) — well-off, lecherous, unpredictable, forceful. -
Karan Gara 6 Special: It is suited for animal husbandry works, cattle trade, dairy trade, fodder trade, ploughing the field, Vastu karma or construction of houses, buildings and other similar projects works. - Deity: Vasudev
- Sunrise 6:53:43 Sunset 18:17:17
- Moonrise 2:18:35 Moonset 12:24:50
- Vedic Sunrise 6:57:39 Vedic Sunset 18:13:20
Auspicious timing
Abhijit Muhurta 12:13-12:57
Inauspicious Timing
Rahukaal 09:44:37-11:10:03 Gulika Kalam 06:53:43-08:19:10
Yamghant Kalam 14:00:57-15:26:23 - -
Other Yog
Disha Shool - Nakshatra Shool EAST Moon Nivash NORTH
Hindu Month & Year
Vikram Samvat 2081 Shaka Samvat 1946
Paksha Krishna-Paksha Ayana Uttarayana
Purnimanta Phalguna Amanta Magha
Sun Sign Aquarius Moon sign Scorpio
Hora Mhuhurta Day
Time Hora
6:53 : 7:53 Saturn
7:53 : 8:53 Jupiter
8:53 : 9:53 Mars
9:53 : 10:53 Sun
10:53 : 11:53 Venus
11:53 : 12:53 Mercury
12:53 : 13:53 Moon
13:53 : 14:53 Saturn
14:53 : 15:53 Jupiter
15:53 : 16:53 Mars
16:53 : 17:53 Sun
17:53 : 18:53 Venus
Hora Mhuhurta Night
Time Hora
18:53 : 19:53 Mercury
19:53 : 20:53 Moon
20:53 : 21:53 Saturn
21:53 : 22:53 Jupiter
22:53 : 23:53 Mars
23:53 : 0:53 Sun
0:53 : 1:53 Venus
1:53 : 2:53 Mercury
2:53 : 3:53 Moon
3:53 : 4:53 Saturn
4:53 : 5:53 Jupiter
5:53 : 6:53 Mars

Get Free Hindu Panchang Online

Get daily free panchang to know the auspicious timings of the day so you can plan all your activities according to the right Muhurat. Following the principles of Vedic Astrology, this free online panchang for today will tell you the correct tithi, auspicious and inauspicious timings, Moon Sign, Sun Sign, and Rahu Kaal of the day. Used by astrologers for thousands of years to get the accurate information of the time, date, and day to acquire the right Kaal or time duration to perform any function throughout the day. Whether you are thinking of beginning a new business, tying the knot, getting rid of any negative impact in your life, or to ward off unnecessary struggles in a day, this online panchangam will help you in all manners you need it to.

In our culture, no work is done without seeing today’s panchang, which is why this online panchang is the way to keep track of all important times and dates. When an individual goes through their life, their planets and energies try to create harmony with their environment. Every interaction that they have either sits well with the energies or don’t. This is where the daily panchang comes in as it helps people understand the right time to invest their energies into something. To understand the panchang better and get accurate details on how it will affect you, get in touch with an expert astrologer like Pt. Pawan Kaushik today.

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Pt. Pawan Kaushik

Pt. Pawan Kaushik, a highly esteemed and famous astrologer in India, boasts unparalleled proficiency in astrological predictions, Vastu Shastra and gemstone consultancy. He has earned a reputation for his practical and effective solutions that have garnered immense respect from all quarters. With his expertise in Vedic and scientific astrology, Pt. Kaushik has established himself as a distinguished authority among various people and families.

Pt. Kaushik is widely acknowledged as the top Vastu consultant in India, owing to his profound knowledge and practical remedies for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. His unwavering dedication and commitment to his clients have endeared him to countless people, who have found renewed hope and happiness in their lives through his readings and solutions.

Apart from Vastu and astrology, Pt. Kaushik's gemstone consultation has had a positive effect on the lives of many by offering them stability and security in various aspects of their lives. His proficiency and 25+ years of experience have made him one of the best gemstone consultants in India, who has helped countless people lead a happy, healthy and harmonious life.

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