There exists a very famous proverb – ‘A car can only run on four wheels and the malfunctioning of even a single wheel can result in the immobility of the car’. Similarly, our human body is blessed with the energy centers, also known as, Nadis/ Chakras, located in different parts of our body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word, which translates to wheel. Chakra literally is the joining points of Nadis. The wheels represent the expansion and dynamism in life. There are 114 chakras, out of which seven have been attributed the responsibility of creating the unique qualities in humans. These Chakras line up from the spine to the crown of the head. There are numerous energies flowing in our body – both positive & negative. It is very important to eliminate all the negativity and foul energies from inside the body to be able to lead a peaceful life.
Let me explain this through an example. We always ensure the drainpipe of our kitchen is clean enough to exterminate the dirty water and ensure that our kitchen is bacteria-free. However, if the drainpipe is choked, it will result in a foul smell, blockage of water and will give rise to disease-causing bacteria. The chakras in our body functions similarly. If the chakras are open and free, they eliminate all damaging energies from inside the body and result in a healthy life. It is important that one meditate & work hard on opening all seven chakras of body.
1- MULADHARA (Root Chakra)
For healthy growth of a plant, a healthy seed is required. Similarly, to develop the spiritual spirit in a person, a healthy and stress-free chakra is required. Muladhara is located in the base point of spinal cord. This Chakra represents physical existence, wellbeing, security and worries.
How to activate this chakra?
One can even open these chakras by various yoga and mantras. Following asanas can be practiced:
- Pavanamuktasana
- Janu sirsasana
- Padmasana
- Malasana
For the better and quick results, one must chant the Rama mantras simultaneously.
Color associated with this chakra: Red2- SWADHISTHANA (Sacral Chakra)
Swadhisthana means ‘own place’. This Chakra is above the genital organ or the pubic bone and just below the navel. This second chakra represents and controls your sexuality and creativity. It represents passion, relationships and self-acceptance. An active sacral chakra help enjoy intimacy, desires and creativity.

- A sense of joy, happiness and fulfillment
- Enhanced creativity
- High levels of self-respect
- Depression
- A tendency of being materialistic
- Lack of self-respect & self-love
- A person can tend to become over emotional or extremely numb
How to activate this chakra?
- Try to stay happy and positive.
- Dedicate time to fulfill your desires
- Love & respect yourself.
- Develop your talents and creativity.
- Eat healthy orange colored food items such as carrots and oranges
- Try to wear orange clothes
- Bhujangasana
- Trikonasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
3- MANIPURA (Solar Plexus Chakra)
This third chakra in our body represents our personal power and our ability to guide. Manipura Chakra deals with our determination, aspirations and action. Also known as the ‘place of jewels’, one can reach a higher level of spirituality by opening this chakra.

- Aspirant can attain the sense of selfless love.
- Elimination of jealousies and greediness
- One can reach to the higher level of satisfaction in inner self.
- Increased confidence and humbleness
- The sufferer will waste time in searching love and peace in outer world.
- A tendency to get over emotional and depressed
- A sense of fear and failure
- Extreme nervousness during exams and interviews that may result in upset stomach
- Ego becomes a part of life
- This chakra can be activated by including healthy yellow color food in your diet like sweet lemon, etc.
- Try to wear as many as yellow colored clothes
- Stay calm, happy and light.
- Paschimottanasana
- Janu sirsasana
- Ustrasana
- Supta vajrasana
4- ANAHATA (Heart Chakra)
One of the richest chakra is the forth chakra ‘Anahata Chakra’. Anahata literally translates to ‘Unbeaten’. It is located at the place of love (heart). Activating this chakra leads to selfless love. The chakra establishes the depth of any relationship. The aspirant finds attachment with the inner self and Almighty God.

- The aspirant reaches the level, where love comes internally
- Elimination of materialistic love
- Spiritual attachment & divine love towards God
- A sense of joy & happiness
- The imbalanced chakra results in fatigue, tiredness and stress
- Coldness and lack of interest in relationships
- Emotions and relations take a back seat
- The simplest way to open this chakra is to love yourself and others.
- Always wear a smile
- Build confidence.
- Go green! Eat fresh green vegetables and fruits
- Try to wear green colored clothes
- Ustrasana
- Kapalbhati
- Bhujangasana
5- VISHUDDHA (Throat Chakra)
The fifth, sixth and seventh chakras are all about expressing yourself. Vishuddha Chakra is located in the throat area. This chakra is linked with the power to communicate, share and express the truth.

- Focus and determination
- Excellent decision-making skills
- Honesty & Truthfulness
- Physical problems such as thyroid disorder, back pains, immunity disorder
- Lack of confidence
- A sense of Insecurity and doubts
- Blue is the color for you. Eat more of berries and wear more shades of blue.
- Try to be diplomatic in your communication to avoid offending the listener. This will help build confidence to communicate
- Do not try to impress people by the lies. Always try and take a stand for your views in the most subtle manner
- Vajrasana
- Sarvangasana
- Ustrasana
- Setu Asana
6- AJNA (Third-Eye Chakra)
The sixth chakra in the human body is Ajna, which means the command. It is located at the centre of the forehead, just between the two eyebrows. With the two beautiful eyes, we are able to see and understand the things that happened in the past and are happening in present but by activating the inner third eye chakra we can understand the divine powers.

- The aspirant can get the sense of oneness.
- The positive thoughts will never leave the aspirant in any twisted condition of life.
- The aspirant can experience the vision of sixth sense.
- The intuition or consciousness can take the aspirant to the right path of life.
- The sufferer will live a very usual and dark life.
- Constant search for the peace and happiness in outer world
- Bala-asana
- Garudasana
- Tara asana
7- SAHASWARA (Crown Chakra)
The seventh and the most important chakra is the crown chakra. This chakra is associated with truth, happiness and positive vibes. Opening of this chakra leads to the direct attachment of divine love and inner self and can allow the future and past to be available to you all at once.

- The aspirant feels the sense of fulfillment and leads a blissful life.
- The aspirant gets in direct connection with the Almighty God.
- The state of enlightenment can be achieved by activating this chakra.
- Constant headaches and migraine
- A bend towards greediness and selfishness
- Fatigue & sleepiness
- Never-ending expectations and desires from the outer world
- Mind related sickness & depression
- Surround yourself with the color white or violet
- Silence and meditation can lead to the activation of this chakra.
- Salamba Sirasana
- Halasana
- Salamba Sarvangāsana