Have you ever thought why do we get attracted towards one shop though all the shops around it sell the same thing? Do you know that each place has its energy type and when we enter into it, we get influenced by its aura? The aura of a place affects our mind as well as our mood. Vastu Vidya balances all the forces and energies and maintains a harmonious relationship in the surroundings. Vastu Shastra repels the negativities and gives way to positivity.
The following Vastu tips are for your shop, which if practiced, can give you fantastic results.
Always have a North-East entrance
The entrance of the shop should be given prime importance. The entrance should be in the north-east or east direction. The shop owner should sit with his face towards the north or east direction as North is the direction of Kuber (Lord of Wealth).Always have a cash counter in North direction
It is highly recommended that cash counter should be opened towards North side and the cash box or drawer must never be kept empty. The shop counter should be in south-east or south-west. Avoid round shaped counters as they tend to attract negativity.Avoid slopes and obstructions on entrance
Avoid slopes which lead to the entrance of the shop as it is inauspicious and can drain out your money. The entrance should not be obstructed by any object such as a tree, pole, etc. A road in East or North is highly preferable as it brings prosperity in the business.Keep or place fire objects in South-East direction
The electric boards and metres should be in the South-east direction as this is the direction in which Lord of Fire resides. This protects your shop from any sort of fire accident.Keep an aquarium
The water source such as Aquarium should be in the North-East direction as it is considered to be very sacred. It should always be kept dirt free. It helps in bringing stability in the financial income.Draw a Swastik
‘Swastik’ symbol should be displayed inside the shop. It is deemed to be very auspicious. An idol of Laxmi and Ganesh must also be kept in the shop. If the Vastu principles discussed above are taken into account, one can bear the maximum fruits and can enjoy profitable progress.