Coral, the gemstone of victory, energy and mental peace; helps annul the negative effect of Mars (Mangal) in one’s horoscope or kundli. This semi-precious gemstone provides protection against enemies and life-threatening diseases.

Major 5 Advantages of Coral:

  • Win over Enemies : Wearing Coral helps the wearer gain victory over opponents by sowing seeds of bravery, physical and mental strength.
  • Regain Energy : Coral also helps a person, overcome laziness and makes him/her energetic.
  • Heals Wounds : This semi-precious gemstone heals cuts, bruises, wounds, thereby aids in the treatment of severe injuries.
  • Get rid of Manglik Dosha : People suffering from Manglik dosha (dosha as a result of the dislocation of Mars (Mangal) in one’s horoscope) get cured by wearing Coral.
  • Sharp Focus :Wearing Coral calms down one’s restless mind and increases the wearer’s concentration.

Despite never-ending advantages of Coral, one must take advice from a specialized gemstone consultant since Coral come in various shapes and can be worn with other metals (depending upon a person’s kundli) to increase its intensity. For more information about other precious and semi-precious gemstones, refer  Â